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 English Lingua Journal


  A submitted paper undergoes first a plagiarism checker (Dupli Checker), then it is  reviewed by the editors. This review is  preliminary and if a text is accepted by the editors it is sent  to two reviewers for double blind reviews. 

  The review must state one of the following:

- the paper may be accepted for publication as is;

- the paper may be accepted for publication but minor revisions are required;

- the paper needs major revisions;

- the paper should be rejected. 

  Peer review process :

Step 1:  Manuscript Submission 

 Step 2: Basic Criteria and plagiarism checker

 Step 3: First screening (Editor-in-Chief) paper either REJECTED (return manuscript) or ACCEPTED for peer review, if so

 Step 4: Peer review 1 YES, Peer review 2 YES / Peer review 1 YES, Peer review 2 NO ---- Decison to be taken by Editor-in- Chief, if NO  paper either REJECTED (return manuscript), if YES

 Step 5: Editor-in-Chief autorises revision

 Srep 6: Revision UNSATISFACTORY (return manuscript), if ACCEPTED for publication

 Step 7: Meeting of the Editorial Board for launching the publication process

 Step 8: Author fills and signs a copyright transfer agreement.

 Step 9: Author receives an electronic article acceptance certificate





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