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  Notes to contributors


  The editorial panel will assume that an article submitted for their consideration has not been previously published and is not being    considered for publications elsewhere.


 Preparing the manuscript:  Manuscripts should be typed in a 12 pt Serif font, left-aligned, with single line-spacing used for  running text (single-spacing should be used for examples, tables, and figures); page margins must be at a minimum 1.25 inches  on all sides. Number pages consecutively for  the abstract, text, references, tables, and figures (in this order). Articles normally should  be between 4,000 and 8,000 words (including  the abstracts, footnotes, references, tables, figures, appendices and all other matter). The  submission should be broken into two  separate files: the title page, and the article which has been blinded for refereeing.


 Manuscript submission: Go to submission page and download/ fill the submission form, then email to


 Title page: The page should include complete contact information for each author, including (at a minimum) affiliation, mailing  address, e-mail address, and phone number. The corresponding author should be clearly designated as such. APA recommends that a  title be no more than 12 words.


 Abstract and keywords: On a separate page, each manuscript must include a brief abstract, double-spaced. Structured abstracts  for  research articles, Brief Reports, and Practice Concepts submissions should be approximately 200 words (the web-based system  will not  accept an abstract of more than 250 words), and must include the following headings: Purpose of the study, Design and  Methods,  Results, and Implications. Forum and Policy Studies manuscripts must also include an abstract of about 200 words, but  without  structured headings. Below the abstract, authors should supply three to five key words that are NOT in the title.


 Text references: Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) for style. References in text are  shown by citing in parentheses the author’s surname and the year of publication. Example: ‘‘. . . a recent article (Murray, 2012) has  shown. . . .’’ If a reference has two authors, the citation includes the surnames of both authors each time the citation appears in the text.  When a reference has more than two authors and fewer than six authors, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs. In  subsequent citations, and for all citations having six or more authors, include only the surname of the first author followed by ‘‘et al.’’  Multiple references cited at the same point in the text are in alphabetical order by author’s surname.


 Reference list: Type double-spaced and arrange alphabetically by author’s surname; do not number. The reference list includes only  references cited in the text. Do not include references to private communications or submitted work. Consult the Publication Manual of  the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) for correct form.


 Examples: Journals: Murray, N. (2012). English as a lingua franca and the development of pragmatic competence. ELT Journal Vol. 3/6.  Oxford: University Press: 318-326.


 Tables: Tables are to be double-spaced, numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers and have a brief title for each. Place table  footnotes immediately below the table, using superscript letters (a, b, c) as reference marks.


 Cited words and quotations: Put cited words or phrases in italics. Use single quotation marks for glosses and terms,  double for  quoted material. Any quotation that runs for more than three lines should be set off from the main paragraph and does not  need    quotation marks.


 Download template style-sheet HERE.

 Download the APA style 6th ed. HERE.

English Lingua Journal


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