University of Mostaganem, ALGERIA
Prof. Abbes Bahous, University of Mostaganem, ALGERIA
Prof. Emeritus Michael S. Byram, Durham University, ENGLAND
Dr. Alexander Gilmore, Tokyo University, JAPAN
Dr. Neil Murray, Warwick University, ENGLAND
Prof. Mari Mizuno, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Dr. Viola Sarnelli, University of Aberdeen, SCOTLAND
Prof. Farouk Bouhadiba, Oran University, ALGERIA
Dr. Michał B. Paradowski, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, POLAND
Prof. Mohamed Chtatou, University of Rabat, MOROCCO
Prof. Bakhta Abdelhay, University of Mostaganem , ALGERIA
Dr. Fouzi Bellalem Yanbu University College, SAUDI ARABIA
Dr. Youcef Tamer, Ibn Zohr University - Agadir, MOROCCO
Dr. Dara Tafazoli, University of Cordoba, SPAIN
Dr. Anna Gonerko-Frej, Szczecin University, POLAND
Prof. Mohamed Dekkak, Taiba University, SAUDI ARABIA
Prof. Malika Rebai Maamri, National Postgraduate School of Political Science, ALGERIA
Dr. Habib Bouagada, Yanbu University College, SAUDI ARABIA
Prof. Guerroudj Noureddine, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, ALGERIA
Prof. Fawzia Bouhass, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, ALGERIA
Dr. Fatima Zohra Benneghrouzi, University of Mostaganem, ALGERIA
Dr. Souad Hamerlain, University of Mostaganem, ALGERIA
Dr. Abdeljalil Larbi Youcef, University of Mostaganem, ALGERIA
Dr. Yasmina Djafri, University of Mostaganem, ALGERIA
Dr. Houari Mired, University of Mostaganem, ALGERIA
* This list does not include the ad hoc reviewers. Given the diversity of papers in multidisciplinary publishing, it is common practice for the review process in such journals to rely on ad hoc reviewers whose research interest is in line with the research topic of a submitted manuscript. The expertise of these reviewers is invaluable to the review process.
English Lingua Journal